Vision and Prospectives


Support & Donation

There are many ways to be a part of this project.
1. Sign up for a roof tile donation
2. Register for a Pledge of Donation

Please contact the main office for more information.
☎︎ Phone: (845) 497-2229
✉︎ Email:

You can send the forms back to us by email or mail it to Wonkaksa's address.
대작불사 약정서와 기와불사 신청서는 이메일이나 원각사 주소로 보내주시면 됩니다.
Address: Korean Buddhist Wonkaksa
260 Clove Rd
Salisbury Mills, NY 12577


How are the roof tiles made &
where do they come from?

한국의 노당기와에서 미국 뉴욕 원각사로 기와가 옮겨지는 과정입니다.

"Nodang Roof Tile" from South Korea bakes the Korean traditional roof tiles to be used in the New Temple Development Project. Once they are made, they are transported through trucks to the Busan dock, where they are transferred into a cargo to the United States. The trucks from New York receives the roof tiles and transport them to Korean Buddhist Wonkaksa in Salisbury Mills. Then the Korean traditional roof tile experts fly from Korea to align and the tiles, one by one. All these are done through the generous donation of all laypeople of the temple and many others.

Wonkaksa New Temple Project in 3D Aerial View

Please help our community with your generosity. Help us create a beautiful Buddhist center and spiritual shelter.

Your benevolence will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Ven. Jungwoo President, Wonkaksa & Abbot, Tongdosa Monastery

Ven. Gikwang Abbot, Wonkaksa

Whasup Chung Chair, Temple Development Committee

Daewonhae Chung President, Lay Members Association

Bupsunghwa Lee Vice president, Lay Members Association